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- P A I N T 1 2 8 II
- by Peter Marions
- One of the main reasons people like the C-128 is the 80-column screen,
- but it's not very easy to work with outside the straight text mode. BASIC
- 8, by Lou Wallace and David Darus, is a programming language that allows
- programmers to do things that would take an unreasonable amount of BASIC 7.0
- code to do. But what about non-programmers?
- PAINT 128 was the answer. We published it on LOADSTAR 128 #8 and had
- many comments and suggestions for it. Where's the ZOOM mode? How about big
- fonts? Mouse support? I passed these on to Peter Marions, master
- programmer from Sweden, and he answered with PAINT 128 II, which has many
- new features -- so many that I decided to publish it again.
- It's all complete here; you don't have to have LOADSTAR 128 #8 to use
- this program. Numerous printer drivers and fonts are on the disk (including
- some super fonts) and before you know it you'll be in the middle of a
- masterpiece.
- Here are some of the new features:
- Input Device - the "Settings" menu lets you select mouse, joystick or
- keyboard
- Zoom Mode - change any pixel easily.
- Color Preferences - set your favorite menu/window colors.
- Brush Merge - instead of erasing the screen underneath, you can now blend
- your brush with what's already there.
- Tile Brush - completely tile the whole screen -- very fast!
- Crystal Draw - hard to explain but very catchy.
- Two-drive support - works with drives 8 and 9.
- Menu loading - now has a menu/scroll bar for loading files. You don't
- need to enter filenames.
- Superfonts - big fonts a la Geos are now supported (and included).
- PAINT 128 II runs in the 80-column mode and autoconfigures itself to
- your Commodore 128, whether you have a 16K or 64K of Video RAM. The line at
- top of screen is the main menu with your main options. The menu bar at the
- top of the screen responds in several ways. You can either:
- press the first letter of the menu item (p for Paint, 3 for
- 3D-Objects, etc.) or
- move the cursor arrow to the menu item and press SPACE, FIREBUTTON or
- the left mouse button.
- Use the cursor keys, joystick up/down or the left mouse button to move the
- highlight bar and then press RETURN, FIRE or the right mouse button. The
- ESC button will get you out of any menu without selecting anything. You can
- change the joystick speed by pressing H for higher speed and L for lower
- speed.
- Always choose a command before you mark graphics on screen. The last
- command will be kept until a new one is chosen. The pointer arrow is moved
- with the mouse, cursor keys or joystick. You mark your graphics by moving
- the pointer then pressing SPACE, FIRE or the left mouse button. The screen
- will flash red, and a little "+" will mark your spot. You can unmark your
- first location by pressing the ESC key or the right mouse button.
- If you don't want the "+" to be drawn on the screen when you're marking
- a spot, press M to toggle the Marker on and off. Likewise, if you don't
- like the "beep" sound that signals when you've marked something, you can
- turn the sound off from the Settings Submenu.
- The following text is written for the keyboard mode. Just remember
- that the left mouse button and the FIREBUTTON do the same job as SPACE if
- you're in the mouse or joystick mode.
- A short example: Say you would like to make a rectangle. The RECTANGLE
- command is found under main menu command PAINT. Press p (for PAINT), select
- rectangle command with cursor keys, then press RETURN. Now move the pointer
- to the place you want one of the upper corners of the rectangle to be and
- press SPACE. Now move the pointer to the lower opposite corner and press
- SPACE. The rectangle will be drawn according to your marks.
- To make the following simpler, let's define some terms. A "picture" is
- the entire screen. A "brush" is a smaller, definable part of the screen. A
- "cell" is an 8*8 pixel section of the screen.
- There are six menus listed at the top of the screen. Each one has
- several options. We'll take them from left to right.
- --- PAINT submenu ---
- * DOT: Places a dot on screen.
- * RECTANGLE: Draws a rectangle on screen. Mark opposite corners with the
- cursor. Note that once you set the first mark, you can draw the rectangle
- to the left or to the right, up or down.
- * BLOCK: Draws a filled block on the screen. It's like the rectangle,
- except filled.
- * CIRCLE: Draws a circle. You first mark the top of the circle, then move
- the cursor to the left or right side of the circle. If the circle were a
- clock, you'd first mark 12 o'clock, then choose the circle's size by marking
- 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock.
- * LINE: Draws a line on screen. Mark the start then the end of line.
- * LINE TO LINE: Draws a connected line on screen. The end mark of your
- first line is automatically the start mark of your second line, and so on.
- * DRAW: Draws a line under your control. Set the pointer then press SPACE
- to activate DRAW. Press SPACE to toggle draw on and off.
- * FILL: Fills an enclosed area with a fill pattern. Place the pointer
- inside the area you want filled and hit SPACE. IMPORTANT! Make sure that
- fill area is completely enclosed or the whole screen may be filled!
- * WINDOW: Draws a colored, outlined window. Mark the opposite corners with
- the pointer.
- --- 3D-OBJECTS submenu ---
- * SPHERE: Plots a 3D solid sphere. First mark center of sphere then mark
- radius right or left from center.
- * CYLINDER: Draws a solid cylinder. Works just like the sphere command.
- * SPOOL: Draws a solid spool structure. It's like a cylinder whose ends are
- larger than the middle.
- * TOROID: Draws a solid toroid (doughnut) shape.
- NOTE! Characteristics for 3D-Objects can be defined under main menu command
- SETTINGS, explained later.
- --- TOOLS submenu ---
- * ZOOM: The zoom function allows you to zoom into a small area for fine
- editing. Point to it and press SPACE to activate the zoom window. Areas
- outside the enlarged area can be brought into the zoom window by pressing
- CRSR LEFT, RIGHT, UP or DOWN. Editing can be done with CRSR keys or
- joystick. It works as a toggle -- pixels on are turned off and pixels off
- are turned on when you press SPACE. Exit zoom mode with RETURN or ESC.
- * GET BRUSH: Copies a rectangular area of the screen to memory where it can
- be copied to any part of the screen (PASTE BRUSH), or saved (SAVE BRUSH).
- Position the pointer at one corner of the area and press SPACE. Then
- position the pointer at opposite corner of the rectangle and press SPACE
- again. If the start position was not correct press the ESC button and
- retry.
- * PASTE BRUSH: Used to paste a copied brush to screen. Point to the place
- you want the upper left corner of the saved brush and press SPACE. You can
- repeat this as many times as you like.
- * TILE BRUSH: Tiles a brush to the whole screen. NOTE! This will overwrite
- everything drawn on screen.
- * SAVE AS PATTERN: Saves a rectangular area of the screen to be used as a
- fill pattern. This means anything on the screen can be saved as a pattern
- and used with the FILL command. Works like Copy brush. Pattern can also be
- saved to disk with the SAVE PATTERN command.
- * MIRROR X: Mirrors a rectangular area of screen in the horizontal
- direction. Works the same as COPY BRUSH.
- * MIRROR Y: Same as mirror X but in the Y direction.
- * MULTIDRAW: Multidraws works with the commaads RECTANGLE, CIRCLE, LINE and
- LINE TO LINE. Adjust the Thickness by pressing T then + or -. This
- determines how many times each command will be drawn. By adjusting X and Y
- you specify how many pixels (in the X or Y direction) every new graphic will
- move from the previous one. Press M to toggle MULTIDRAW command on and off.
- IMPORTANT! AFTER setting multidraw values, graphic command must be
- selected. Multidraw works fine in connection with CRYSTAL DRAW. The
- easiest way to understand what this command can do is to experiment. You
- can achieve some very interesting 3-D effects with it. Remember to set
- MULTIDRAW off when you're not using it.
- * CRYSTAL DRAW: Crystal draw works with command DOT, RECTANGLE, BOX, CIRCLE,
- LINE, LINE TO LINE and WINDOW. Crystal draw will draw any of these graphic
- shapes in any number around the center of screen. Select CRYSTAL DRAW, set
- it on with the C key, then choose numbers of crystals. Exit with RETURN.
- Choose the graphic command from PAINT menu. Now draw this graphic to the
- screen and watch how CRYSTAL DRAW draws it according to its size and place
- and your CRYSTAL DRAW settings. Remember to set CRYSTAL DRAW off when not
- using it.
- * AREA CLEAR: Just mark any rectangle and it will be cleared.
- * SCREEN CLEAR: Clears the screen after asking you if you are sure you want
- to. This command can be used in the direct mode by pressing the CLR key
- (SHIFT-HOME). This command also updates screen colors using color mode 1.
- * ABOUT..: Lists the credits.
- * EXIT: Quits the program after asking you if you are sure. Since BASIC 8
- is still installed, PAINT 128 II doesn't return you to LOADSTAR.
- --- WRITE submenu ---
- * WRITE: Activates write command. Place the pointer where your text is to
- start and press SPACE. You will then be asked to write the text at top of
- the screen. Press RETURN when finished, and the text will be printed on the
- screen. The ESC key key will get you out of the text input without printing
- anything. The text will be printed in the last font or superfont chosen.
- * FONT & TEXT SIZE: Lets you choose among several fonts and sizes. Choose
- them by pressing the letter within parentheses, then RETURN. Text width 0
- should be used with the 160 column font.
- * TEXT DIRECTION: Lets you decide in which direction the text will be drawn.
- HORIZONTAL CENTERED will center the text over the pointer. This is handy
- when titling text over graphics.
- * TEXT MODE: Sets up in which way text is drawn on the screen. You can have
- normal text that blanks cell under a character. Or you can overwrite the
- cell using reversed textmode. Text can be underlined or you can have text
- that is drawn with last pattern. This is very useful with large characters.
- * SUPERFONTS: Superfonts are high resolution fonts specially written for
- PAINT 128 II. This means you can have large fonts without "jaggies", which
- you usually get when a regular font is simply doubled in size. Place the
- cursor where text is to start, choose SUPERFONTS and select your SUPERFONT
- from disk and press RETURN. Write your text at top of screen and press
- RETURN. Program will now load selected SUPERFONT and display your text on
- the screen. Note that text commands TEXT DIRECTION and TEXT MODE don't work
- with SUPERFONTS. Also, superfonts act like brushes and can be used in the
- Paste Brush Mode, described in the next section.
- --- SETTINGS submenu ---
- * COLOR: Sets drawcolor and menu color. Border and screen color are always
- black when screen is not in monochrome mode. This command works in direct
- mode. Just press F1 or F3 key to adjust drawcolors. The F5 and F7 keys set
- menu colors to your choice. The left corner of the main menu shows the
- activated drawcolors. For more about color see below:
- * DRAWMODE: Defines in which way the graphic is drawn to the screen.
- COLOR MODE 1: Uses foreground/background colors found in cell. Updates
- new colors with screen CLR. This is the fastest mode.
- COLOR MODE 2: Uses the background color found in cell and foreground
- color set by COLOR command.
- COLOR MODE 3: Uses foreground/background color set by the COLOR
- command.
- UNDRAW: Turns on the erase mode. Unplots all pixels. Use this mode to
- erase graphics on screen.
- REVERSE: Pixels ON are turned OFF, pixels OFF are turned ON.
- REVERSE COLOR: Reverses colors set by COLOR mode.
- PATTERN: Uses a previously defined pattern when drawing.
- * DRAW SHAPE: Offers different kind of shapes to be used with the Draw
- command. You set drawspeed (how tight shapes will be set).
- * FILL PATTERN: Choose one of 24 pre-defined patterns by pressing a letter
- key between A and X. Press * (asterisk) to get a reversed pattern.
- * CIRCLE TYPE: Choose one type of polygon to use with draw command
- * 3D-OBJECTS SET UP: Defines characteristics for 3D-Solids. Press first
- letter of the options to set Shade, Form, Light and View, then press RETURN.
- * BRUSH PASTE MODE: Lets you paste a brush (or superfont character) on the
- screen. There are four modes you can choose from:
- ERASE UNDER: erases area then draws.
- MERGE WITH: doesn't erase area before drawing.
- COMMON: only pixels common to both screen and brush are kept.
- COMPLEMENT: pixels common to both screen and brush are NOT kept.
- * PRINTER SET UP: Allows you to set the configuration for your printer.
- Choose the printer routine for your printer, then set the secondary address,
- height and density. You can even have the picture rotated. If your printer
- is not mentioned on the Printer Menu, then you have to experiment to find
- one that works satisfactory. NOTE: Some printers will not allow rotated
- pictures. Generally, your best bet is to experiment if something doesn't
- seem to be supported by your printer. You should begin each session with
- PAINT 128 II by setting it up for your printer.
- * SCREEN SIZE: Adjust screen height. If your C128 doesnt have the 64k
- video chip RAM you have two screen formats, 640*200 monochrome or 640*176
- with color (default screen). The expanded C128 (all C128Ds) allows you to
- choose among 640*200, 640*400 or 640*600 screen. 640*200 is the default
- screen. If you are using a screen height higher than 200 pixels you have to
- scroll the screen up and down with the plus (+) and minus (-) keys.
- * COORDINATES: Shows pointer coordinates in upper right corner. This is
- helpful in fine-tuning graphics.
- * CONTROLLER: Allows you to choose mouse, joystick or keyboard input. This
- is the same menu the program begins with.
- * SOUND ON/OFF: Toggles the beep when an action is taken.
- --- IN/OUT submenu ---
- * PRINT SCREEN: Prints a hardcopy according to settings made with the
- PRINTER SET UP command.
- * DIRECTORY: Reads the directory from current disk and displays it on
- screen.
- * SAVE PICTURE: Saves the entire screen to disk after removing Main menu.
- First it lists other pictures found on disk, then you enter the filename for
- the picture. Filenames of pictures will always start with PICT. for easy
- recognition.
- * LOAD PICTURE: Loads a saved picture to screen. First it lists all
- pictures found on disk. Select file with CRSR keys then press RETURN to
- load file.
- * SAVE BRUSH: Saves a brush to disk for later recall. The brush is first
- saved to memory with the COPY BRUSH command. Brush filenames always starts
- with BRUS.
- * LOAD BRUSH: Loads a saved brush to memory for recall to screen with the
- PASTE BRUSH command. Select file to load with CRSR keys then press RETURN.
- * SAVE PATTERN: Saves a pattern to disk. This pattern should first be saved
- to memory with the SAVE AS PATTERN command. Pattern filenames always start
- with PATR.
- * LOAD PATTERN: Loads a pattern from disk to memory for use with the FILL
- command.
- * RENAME FILE: This command lets you rename a file on disk.
- * DELETE FILE: Deletes unwanted files. Be careful with PAINT 128 II files!
- * DEVICE #: PAINT 128 II lets you work with 2 drives. PAINT 128 II requires
- the disk with its files and requestors to always be in device 8. PAINT 128
- II also assumes that the extra drive is set to DEVICE 9. Changing the
- device to 9 changes the input and output of user-created files like brushes,
- pictures and patterns. Additional SUPERFONTS may also be loaded from DEVICE
- 9, too.
- LOADSTAR and Peter Marions hope you enjoy having control of the
- thousands of pixels on your 80-column graphics screen.
- **** End of Text ****